Having an implant placed is a surgical procedure, placing an implant requires 10 minutes. An implant can be placed in the mouth of a patient for 10 minutes with a proper planning. After the dental implant application, there is a waiting period for the prosthesis. To place a tooth on a dental implant placed in the jawbone and to use the implant for a lifetime, it is necessary to wait for the integration of the dental implant into the jawbone. You have to wait 2-3 months for the implant to completely integrate into the bone and be ready for the restorative portion of your treatment. After this time, the implant is stable enough to support one or more false teeth.
Dental Implants are placed using a two-stage.
1. Stage – Surgical implant application made in the 1st consultation.
2. Stage – Prosthesis on implant 2-3 months after having implant. We need 1 week for this step. That is why Dental Implants have two-step process.